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RE: [Para Bellum Wargames] News - Moskito - 17-01-2023

De très belles sorties, et pour avoir vu les règles, cela va être passionnant à créer, jouer et affronter.

RE: [Para Bellum Wargames] News - the_red_eye - 18-01-2023

(17-01-2023, 13:41)latribuneludique a écrit : Jolie petite vidéo. L'accent de la voix off m'arrange (c'est plus facile à comprendre) mais j'imagine qu'elle doit faire sourire les anglophones. Wink

Ils auraient du la faire en grec pour les cités états, en tout cas c'est appréciable d'avoir des grecs à la manoeuvre qui préfèrent de la vraie musique ancienne (début de la vidéo), plutôt qu'une musique de jeu vidéo  Kiss

RE: [Para Bellum Wargames] News - TenNoBushi - 18-01-2023

(17-01-2023, 13:41)latribuneludique a écrit : Jolie petite vidéo. L'accent de la voix off m'arrange (c'est plus facile à comprendre) mais j'imagine qu'elle doit faire sourire les anglophones. Wink

Quand j'entends de l'anglais avec l'accent grec ça me fait penser à ça LOL
[Image: regal-t-thor-love-and-thunder.gif]

RE: [Para Bellum Wargames] News - Jalikoud - 18-01-2023

Nouveau starter deux joueurs :

[Image: two-player-starter-set-nords-vs-the-city-states.jpg]

Polémarque :

[Image: city-states-polemarch.jpg]

Aristarque :

[Image: city-states-aristarch.jpg]

Hoplites/Phalangistes :

[Image: city-states-hoplites-dual-kit-.jpg]

[Image: city-states-phalangites-dual-kit.jpg]

Minotaures Thyréens/Haspistes :

[Image: city-states-minotaur-thyreans-dual-kit.jpg]

[Image: city-states-minotaur-haspists-dual-kit.jpg]

Sorties prévues en février.

RE: [Para Bellum Wargames] News - Xeribulos - 18-01-2023

Très jolies cs troupe et surtout ces héros. J'espère que leur coté steampunk sera développé.
Par contre j'ai du mal avec le géant et les minotaures verticalement contrarié. mais bon au pire j'ai du Mythic Battle...

RE: [Para Bellum Wargames] News - Le Lapin - 18-01-2023

J'aime bien ces minos, ont sent la boule de rage engoncé dans un corps pas assez gros pour elle. LOL
Il est à combien, ce starter, au fait ?

RE: [Para Bellum Wargames] News - Jalikoud - 18-01-2023

(18-01-2023, 22:25)Le Lapin a écrit : Il est à combien, ce starter, au fait ?

180€ à un centime près.
Les deux personnages à pied sont à 25€ pièce, le dual kit hoplite à 40€ et les minotaures à 60€.

RE: [Para Bellum Wargames] News - the_red_eye - 20-01-2023

la gamme bénéficie de 15 à 20% de réduction (starter payé 143€ pour ma part) sur certains sites français que je peux nommer, mais on trouve en deux clics :
les persos à 21€, les unités à 34€, et les 3 monstres à 51€

RE: [Para Bellum Wargames] News - Jalikoud - 21-01-2023

Suite aux votes pour la 8ème faction prévue pour dans pas mal de temps (après les Cités-États et les Tisseurs), les Sorcerer Kings arrivent en tête (plus de 40% des votes récoltés) suivi de Hel (30%) et enfin de la faction mercenaire (15%).

Pour aider à faire le vote final, Parabellum Games donne le détail (du lore) pour chacune des unités qui composera les armées en question :

Consultable ici

Sorcerer Kings :

[Image: Kings-render.jpg]

La liste est un mélange d'unités d'inspiration Moghol, Indienne et de créatures élémentaires.

Citation :Khan Medium Cavalry Character. A Khan is a tribal leader. Often appointed by their predecessor ensuring some dynastic influence exists, Khans must be confirmed by the Noyan of his tribe, meaning that while all Khans must excel in warfare, for that is the bread and butter of life among the great steppes of Mahdaar, a certain level of cunning and diplomacy is needed as well. 

Monghal WarriorLight Cavalry. Tempered in the endless conflicts and raids on the endless steppes of Mahdaar, Monghal Warriors equipment and discipline have been tempered and refined by generations of combat. Equally proficient with the bow and the lance, Monghal Warriors nonetheless favor the bow above all.  The real secret behind their success, however, is the discipline and militarized tribal culture they have been steeped in. Looking upon the Monghal Warrior, one might see barbarism and a lack of sophistication. They would not live to make the same mistake twice.

Noyan WarriorMedium Cavalry. While Monghal Warriors have been known to shatter entire enemy armies with their withering hails of arrows, the Noyan nobility of the tribes are responsible for delivering the killing blow upon the enemies’ center. Eschewing the light arms and armor of the lighter troops, Noyan warriors bear lances upon armored horses, their almost preternatural bond with their mounts allowing them to launch devastating attacks wherever the Monghal Warriors have created an opportunity. 

Lodge of the OxHeavy Brute Cavalry. Once confined to the frozen heights of the Atlayan Mountains, the warrior Lodge of the Ox broke its centuries of isolationism to ride beneath the banner of the Clan of One. Heavily armored and mounted on their sturdy musk oxen, their deadly skill with the ritual horn tipped lances are almost an afterthought. Unlike horses, these totem bonded oxen are more than willing to hurl themselves into a tightly packed formation at the behest of their master, using their bulk and thunderous impact to shatter even the most formidable formation. Were it no for their modest speed and range, they would dominate the battlefield. 

Lodge of the TigerMedium Brute Cavalry. Such is the terrifying reputation this warrior lodge has earned upon countless battlefields that they have become closely associated with the Asura of legend, branded as devil worshipers and man eaters. Nothing could be further from the truth, for this ascetic lodge devotes itself to the mastery of their weapon and their mount to the exclusion of all else, marching to battle only under the command of their enigmatic gurus.

Lodge of the WolfLight Brute Cavalry. The lodge of the wolf is perhaps the most well known and trusted of the sacred warrior lodges. Their adherents roam the entire steppe, claiming no land or herd for themselves but what their totem mounts must hunt to survive, but acknowledging no suzerainty or sovereign among mortal leaders. Closest in warrior ethos to the Tribes, they often ride to their aid even when not requested, falling upon their foe’s rear and nipping at his sides with a skill and ferocity even hardened Monghal Warriors envy.

MaharajáHeavy Infantry Character. Maharajas are the Elemental Court appointed rulers of the Enclaves. Selected from among the Raj, they are also inducted into the lesser secrets of the Magi, being granted their own bonds, and elevating them above the mortals that they rule. They are nonetheless expected to rule evenly and fairly, their every action watched for a lack of virtue or skill by their enemies among the Raj who covet their position and power.

RajMedium Infantry/Cavalry Character. The Raj are the true wielders of temporal power in the Enclaves. While the Maharaja is bogged in dealing with matters of divine right and the Elemental courts it is the Raj who rule the day to day bustle of the cities and who are its front line of defense. Armed, trained and equipped to the best of their vast wealth and influence, they are a powerful force on the field, galvanizing their troops and shoring up the lines wherever it is needed.

Janluk InfantryMedium Infantry. Originaly slave-soldiers bound to fight for the Sorcerer Kings, the Janluk have long since surpassed their humble origins. They are now amongst the most influential castes in the rigidly regimented society of the Enclaves due to their role in protecting the vulnerable Magi when they take to the field. Heavily armed but relatively lightly armored, these soldier elites eschew the weight of full plate armor, depending instead on ferocious discipline and unquenchable morale to carry the day. 

Ghorab LeviesLight Infantry. While the Janluk bear the brunt of the duty in defending the Enclaves and their interests, it is ultimately the Ghorab Levies that form the bulk of the Enclaves forces, even if they only represent a fraction of its combat power. Well-armed and equipped, the Ghorab can be counted on to acquit themselves well on the field of battle, even without special training. 

Rajahi CavalryHeavy Cavalry. The Rajahi are the only force, aside from the Gajahdar, who can match the ferocity of the Tribes in open combat. While perhaps lacking the sheer savagery and speed of their traditional opponents, the impeccable breeding of their steeds, coupled with the priceless heirloom armor they don, make these cavalrymen nigh impervious to harm and mobile enough to respond where needs dictate. 

GajahdarHeavy Monster. While elephants only survived the cataclysm of the Fall due to a small herd of them being part of one of the menageries of Capitas that was saved in the original exodus, the animals were so critical in the rebuilding and defense efforts of the Enclaves that they have come to hold a central position in both the civic and military life of the Enclaves. Those who ride these massive beasts, for centuries of careful breeding have produced titans amongst the placid pachyderms, are termed Gajadhars (or Mahouts depending of the Enclave in question) and hold positions of tremendous prestige in their society, so critical is their role in battle. Caparisoned in the finest silks and tempered steel, these behemoths have been known to shatter Monghal charges and trample entire battle lines into the dust. 

Dhanurveda ArchersMedium Infantry. Perhaps no other society exalts the role of the bow in combat as do the realms of the Sorcerer Kings. Entire tracts of verse and poetry in their most sacred texts have been devoted to the perfection and mastery of the bow, for this was the main manner in which the original refugees were able to fend for themselves while the Sorcerer Kings reshaped the very earth to accommodate them. Today a handful among the Raj and Jamluk caste dedicate themselves exclusively to the art of the bow, aiming to become like the weapons saints of old, raining death on their foes with unerring volleys of blazing arrows.

SamratMedium Infantry/Brute Character. The death of the last Sorcerer King of Fire at the hands of the Clan of One shattered a social order that had existed more or less unchanged since the Fall. The awakening of the true Sorcerer Kings changed both the orders and the land itself. One of the most consequential of these changes was the appointment of a Samrat, an Emperor, who would rule all the lands with the blessings of the four Sorcerer Kings, unifying the disparate lands of the Sorcerer Kings into a cohesive force for the first time in centuries.

High MagosMedium Infantry Character. In many ways, some would argue most, the Magi are the beating heart of the Elemental Courts, and thus the realm of the Sorcerer Kings. Gifted beyond mortal limits by their bond to an elemental partner, the magic that these individuals wield beggars any but the most puissant of Dweghom sorcerers. Their presence on the battlefield is needed to keep the unruly, malicious, and just plain curious Elementals in check even as they blast enemy forces to smithereens while empowering allied formations. 

EfreetMedium Brute. Efreet are among the most fractious and demanding of Elemental spirits awakened by the Sorcerer Kings. While the Magi are still trying to understand how the Efreet and other greater spirits could evolve such complex social structures so quickly after their awakening, they have nonetheless resigned themselves to dealing with the realities of these complex fire spirits. Their lust for chaos and mischief is nowhere so evident as when they soar across the battlefield, sowing chaos and confusion among the enemy troops with a barrage of elemental strikes and mirages, before descending to finish off the weakened foe with their incandescent scimitars.

DjinnMedium Monster. Djinn are the greatest Elemental spirit that can still manifest a corporeal form. Much like efreet, but even more pronounced, their physical form can barely contain their latent power. It is little surprise that these aloof creatures have so quickly spawned legends around their ability to grant wishes, so great is their power. When they can be cajoled to descend upon the field of battle it is seldom for a long time, their attention invariably wandering as they lay waste to the enemy forces, almost as an afterthought. 

GholsMedium Infantry. Although by far the weakest of the Elemental spirits brought forth in battle, Ghols nonetheless are the ones that trouble the Magi the most. The dark shades burn with the weight of their sins, their souls or psyche somehow having imprinted itself on the elemental realm, corrupting that once pristine realm with their darkness. The very idea of deploying these beings in battle was first seen as an easy way to contain their spread, for alone amongst the elemental spirits they seem eager, almost gleeful to take mortal form and spread chaos and ruin before they are put down. 

RakshasaHeavy Monster. Amongst the Deva, the dark spirits that have bedeviled mankind since time immemorial, the Rakshasa bear the dubious distinction of being the greatest spirits that can yet be bound. The rituals to do so are hellishly complex and require frightful mastery of the arts. One of the easiest ways to reduce the complexity of these rituals is to include exceptions or loopholes that allow the Rakshasa to vent its dark desires… The battlefield is often seen as the best place to let these dark spirits vent decades or centuries of accumulated spite.

Maharathi Sorcerers SaintsHeavy Brute Cavalry. Amongst the Magi there exist an order of warrior sorcerers dedicated to the elimination of evil in its most primordial forms. Focusing only on a narrow application of their sorcerous powers and devoting the rest of their time to martial pursuits, the Maharathi Sorcerer Saints represent the pinnacle of martial prowess in the Elemental Courts dedicated to hunting down the greatest dangers. Whether that be a corrupted Magos, an errant Deva or some dark entity of Primordial Destruction, the Maharathi Sorcerers are always at the forefront of the conflict, shielding mankind with their deadly skill and selfless sacrifice.

Hel :
[Image: Hel-render.jpg]

Citation :Örm-Temer Brood LordHeavy Brute Character. Born along all other Örm-Temer in a spawning, Broodlords quickly establish their dominance over their entire spawning, leading to them almost invariably belonging to the massive Örm-Strekr subspecies. Towering almost a meter above the tallest human, Örm-Temer Broodlords are then pulled out of their spawning and broken into service, either through the cruel artifice of the Dwarves, or, in rare cases that warrant it, by exposure to Nidhoggs overwhelming presence.

Örm-JordHeavy Infantry: Massive Örm-Temer whose elemental predisposition allows for basic training. Capable of wielding great weapons and shields, they are a terrifying force on the field, their long incubation period thankfully keeps their numbers low.

Örm-SlugnirLight Infantry: Slight Örm-Temer with vestigial wings and powerful legs that allow them to make long gliding leaps. Needle sharp fangs and talons make them a dangerous foe, more than capable of swarming superior opponents and bringing them down. High rate of attrition due to bestial nature compensates for fastest incubation period. 

Örm-HyrMedium Infantry: Powerful Örm-Temer with strong backs and vestigial wings too weak to bear any of their body weight. Often lost in the countless fights between each other. Headstrong and aggressive, they can wield weapons, but tend to eschew armor as it weighs them down and limits their greatest weapon: speed. High fratricidal rate keeps their numbers low, thankfully. 

Örm-LogrMedium Infantry: Bestial and cunning, these are the rarest of the Örm-Temer, with the longest gestation period. Patient ambush hunters, their bodies develop powerful toxin glands and their natural cunning makes them terrifying hunters. Seldom use any but the lightest of armors, not because they are incapable of it, but because it encumbers them. The poison in their talons and maw make almost all weapons redundant. Numbers are limited by low spawn rate, but their inherent cunning ensures a higher survival rate.

Örm-StrekrHeavy Brutes. Rarest of Örm-Temer subspecies, these towering juggernauts bear the closest resemblance to their draconic ancestor. Powerful, swift and relentless they are a nightmare to behold on the battlefield. Would be far more valuable as Brood Lords, but their strong hierarchical nature means that once a spawning establishes a Brood Lord, all remaining Örm-Strekr invariably submit to his rule, becoming his protectors and losing any initiative or ambition they might have displayed.

Draumunir GothiMedium Infantry Characters. Once the leaders of a prestigious cult centered around the exploration of Yggdrasil and the recovery of slumbering einherjar, centuries of failure left these misguided cultists with little power or influence. Their influence now waxes again with the promise of power purchased by Hela’s elixirs. Bolstered by the faith of their followers and Hel’s dangerous gifts, these dark priests stand poised to unleash a flood of violence upon the world at the behest of their masters.

DraugrMedium Infantry. A growing number of Nord youths are eschewing the traditional paths offered by their tribes to pursue the path the Draumunir have offered them. Those who fail to impress in the fighting circles and fall find themselves waking up in the spawning vats of Yggdrasil, their once mortal wounds stanched and bodies strengthened by the brutal but effective methods of Hela and the dwarves. The trauma of this process invariably shatters their waking mind, leaving them as little more than mindless husks, suitable only for destruction on the battlefield.

HraerjarMedium Infantry. Those who manage to impress the Draumunir are granted their wish and enhanced far beyond their mortal limits by the dark elixirs supplied by Hela and clad in arms and armor forged by the last dwarves… What they are not told is the price of this transformation, but most are too blinded by the promise of power and glory until it is too late.

Fallen EinherjarMedium Monsters. From time to time a Hraejar candidate will stand out in the fighting rings, more often than not due to the higher purity of Einherjar blood within his veins. These unlucky souls are taken deep within the bowels of Yggdrasil where Hela attempts to recreate the greatest success of the old gods, with universally tragic results. While these creatures may have once been human, their broken forms bear only a passing resemblance to their once noble forms once the dwarves are done with their… enhancements.

DraudrekkirHeavy Brute Cavalry. The greatest fighters among the Draumunir, often raised from those Hraejar who retained their will, are given a rare gift by their hidden masters: Young drakes are pulled from their pods and addled by Hela’s noxious concoctions, forcing them to imprint on their new masters. Riding these fearsome mounts, these Draudrekkir are a true terror on the battlefield, combining the savagery of the drake with the ruthless cunning of a fallen priest.

Fafnir/Otr/ReginHeavy/Light /Medium Brute. Though far too paranoid and cunning to ever expose themselves to the dangers of combat, the last dwarves have nonetheless figured out how to project their presence without risk to their bodies. Fafnir does so by melting a portion of his hoard and casting his consciousness into this ego infused medium creating a form of wealth elemental whose form changes with the whim of its creator. Otr simply elects one of his clones, and sends him forth while Regin places infused memory crystals into the most fiendishly complex and powerful Automata he can craft, creating a proxy version of himself. Given the long lives and madness of these individuals, each of these Imagos is different from each other, allowing a player to customize them to depict their creators’ whims and mental state at that time only. 

Magma GolemHeavy Brute. Fafnir, as a dwarf, does not possess the limitations of his Dweghom opponents: his control over his Gift is absolute, allowing him the creation of complex spell patterns only a Steel shaper could hope to emulate, should they ever care. When the need is dire enough, Nidhogg can lend Fafnir a portion of his own elemental might, allowing him to bind these destructive brutes in a permanent form and cast them upon a battlefield to wreak havoc amongst the foe.

Low Form AutomataHeavy Brutes. Regin retains the craft he was taught at the claws of his creators: the manufacture of true autonomous machinery. Low form automata are simple with a single element dominating in their construction, this is often clay or iron. A fiendishly complex spell matrix is inscribed into each part and a tiny amount of primordial power is fed to it, allowing it to respond to simple commands and perform repetitive tasks, ideal for a powerful frontline fighter who knows no fear or fatigue. 

High Form AutomataMedium Brutes. Unlike the low form automata, the higher form automata include all four elements in their construction and require fiendishly complex spell matrices and mechanical components to balance out the elements that provide their motive force. Even if one were to manage these mind-numbingly complex feats of magical engineering, they would still fall short for at the heart of each of these automata there lies a tiny mote of primordial essence. Needless to say, upon the battlefield it is those automata with motes of Destruction that dominate. 

Primordial Drake(Significant limits to troop selection will apply)

Heavy Monster Character. While no true dragon has been born in Ea for millennia, the presence of a conscious Elder Dragons presents opportunities and possibilities undreamt of. Much like a mating pair of dragons imparted a small portion of their essence into their children to quicken the egg into a full dragon, Nidhogg and Hela have discovered a manner to infuse the most powerful and robust of drakes with some of Nidhoggs blood and primordial essence. While not enough to trigger the transformation into a true dragon, a measure of sentience is quickened along with a surfeit of power. A conscious Drake empowered by Nidhoggs blood is enough to chill the heart of almost any foe. More so when he carries a modicum of his forefathers authority, allowing him to lead his lesser kin to battle. 

WyvernMedium Monster. Perhaps the most notorious of Drakes, Wyverns remain a rare sight within most realms. This is simply a result of their dull and vicious nature meaning when a mating pair first meets, it is even odds whether they will kill each other or produce a clutch. Under the baleful influence of a primordial master, they can be controlled long enough to perform the required duties, on the battlefield and off it. Winged, but lacking the forearms of their more evolved cousins, Wyverns are nonetheless a formidable foe on the field due to their power of flight and poison stinger. 

WurmHeavy Monster. Wurms are amongst the most numerous but least common drakes in Ea. This is simply because their limited brains and voracious appetite discourage them from any activity that is not the mindless consumption of earth and dirt with its attendant biomass. When these ravenous monsters can be coaxed to the surface, however, the destruction they can wreak before their hunger drives them below ground once more is unfathomable.  

Lumbering DrakeHeavy Monster: The most common of Drake subtypes, this is not due to their high number, but merely because all land-born quadruped drakes are lumped into this category. Terrifying opponents, these powerful predators are nonetheless hunted for their valuable hides, powerful blood or simply prestige or Aghm. Properly guided by a malicious mind, these evolve from a dangerous foe into a battlefield nightmare none wish to face.

[Image: Hel-2-2.jpg]

[Image: Hel-2-1.jpg]

Dogs of war :

[Image: Dogs-render.jpg]

Citation :Field MarshalMedium Infantry/Cavalry Character. The rank of Field Marshal is reserved for those commanders who have earned Matjas’ trust and respect. Although many Field Marshals rose through the ranks of his own forces, Matjas does not turn away talent, no matter the source. As a result, one can find men from the Hundred Kingdoms, the Nord realms and even some Dweghom among their number, which is always in flux as men rise, fall and retire with alarming regularity. 

Mercenary CaptainMedium Infantry/Cavalry Character. By far the most common commanding rank in the Black Army is the Captain, the mercenary epithet goes without saying. Coming from all races and creeds, the only thing the mercenary Captains share is their competence as the fiery crucible of war quickly weans out the weak and incompetent. Each commands a warrior band of like-minded individuals, though these common bonds seldom overcome racial divides. It is thus much more likely to see a human Captain leading human forces than, say Dweghom. And vice versa, but the odd exception has been known to occur. 

Sanctioned SorcererMedium Infantry Character. The absence of a formalized school of sorcery in the Polmar Principalities has long been a serious concern of King Matjas. In order to overcome this weak spot in his leadership he has been known to employ … less than scrupulous spell casters who wish to avoid the heavy oversight and control of the Chantry system. Willing to grant them extraordinary privileges so long as they yield results and toe the rather relaxed lines, he has had no small amount of success in recruiting some of the most powerful and unorthodox spell casters to his cause. 

PaymasterMedium Infantry Character. Though few would understand it unless they have lived the life of the mercenary, the entire force revolves not around the commanding officer, but the Paymaster, the most trusted and vetted of Matjas’ subordinates. Elected not for their military capacity but for their intelligence, integrity and commitment to his vision, the Paymaster is Matjas’ ultimate representative in the army: functioning as ambassador, accountant and logistics coordinator. It is the Paymaster in the end who most commonly transcends racial barriers, the reality of mercenary life meaning everybody learns to respect the man with the money. Everybody, from the most arrogant captain to the greenest recruit, in the Black Army ultimately answers to the Paymaster and thus, the King.

Dweghom WarriorsMedium Infantry. While it might surprise many to see Dweghom Clansmen outside of the influence of their Hold and the Mnemancers, it surprises nobody that their most commonly chosen profession is that of the Mercenary. Absent the harsh rules of their oppressive society, many Dweghom slowly discover they are incapable of operating within a nonviolent environment and the lure of battle proves too loud for most. Few argue with the results of this when it provides them with some of the finest heavy infantry on the planet.

Dweghom Drake SlayersLight Infantry. While the lure of battle might call to some, others are drawn to more… exotic pursuits. Few sane individuals would hunt Drakes for a living, but for an outcast Dweghom this provides the most direct route to the two most common desires: wealth and Aghm. The Chantries, Hemomancers and Spire Merchant Princes all value the remains of a slain drake while even the most hardened Mnemancer will agree that slaying a drake earns the perpetrators Aghm… perhaps enough, in time, to earn his way into society once more. Either way the result is the same: a group of dedicated monster hunters with little to lose and a great deal to gain…  

Merchant Prince Mantis PreceptorsMedium Infantry. While the Sovereign may have discontinued his funding of the Preceptor Strand lines, he did not explicitly ban research into them. Thus, a number of adventurous Merchant Princes have resurrected the mothballed program, with varying degrees of success. Currently the most successful design belongs to the outlandish ‘Mantis’ strain, much to the delight of their inventor, the Red Trafficker of Ruin. 

Merchant Prince AirshipMedium Monster. Such is the potential margin of profit to be made in the wars that have engulfed the Polmar Principalities that the Red Trafficker of Ruin has even committed a small part of his most valuable commodity: his fleet of airships. Beyond the awe and terror that their appearance can cause, even the smallest of his lighter craft can rain death and destruction upon the hapless foe below; they can even deploy his forces deep behind enemy lines, although he is loath to risk his vessels where they might be harmed. He is much happier committing them to slaughter the hapless foe and disengaging when return fire so much as scratches his precious hulls…

W’adrhun BuccaneersLight Infantry. Most W’adrhun tend to implode into an orgy of lust, violence and dissolution when removed from the familiar confines of their tribal existence. The sheer variety and opulence of the food, entertainment, and distractions on offer are more than enough to gently reduce these proud warriors into the dissolute, drunken louts that have slowly begun appearing in human cities. Buccaneers are just those lucky few who have been rescued by their more worldly peers and successfully turned this bacchanalian explosion into a stable mercenary career… 

W’adrhun Dread NaughtHeavy Monster. There is little that can be said about the dreadful magnificence and twisted genius for war needed to look upon one of the most dangerous creatures in creation, a shipwreck and a band of rowdy degenerates and strike upon an idea so outrageous, so audacious that the enemy will struggle to understand, let alone counter on the field of battle…

City States Mercenary ManipleMedium Infantry. Many City States supplement their income by forming and hiring out maniples of professional soldiers to their strategic allies. Some, in particular the grim city of Acheron, are even less careful of who they hire their troops out to. While few will argue when offered a chance to hire such competent warriors, a select few scholars and political thinkers are trying to uncover the motivation behind this suspicious behaviour. 

Geronese ArbalestersMedium Infantry. For years now the Hundred Kingdoms have employed huge numbers of mercenary crossbowmen in their forces but the cream of the crop, the Geronese Arbaletierri, have signed a decades long exclusive contract with the Black Army for an absolutely eye watering sum of money. Safely ensconced behind their towering pavise shields, these masterful marksmen have honed the process of aiming, shooting and reloading their massive crossbows to an art form unmatched on the continent.  

Normen HousecarlsMedium Infantry. Svarthgalm’s bloody invasion of the Hundred Kingdoms was both a resounding failure and unprecedented success. While the invasion was ultimately lost and the Nords lost one of their last remaining Einherjar, the northern coasts of the Hundred Kingdoms were so ravaged by war that countless Nord families were able to migrate unmolested. Now, centuries after the event, these self-sufficient communities have thrived and are starting to integrate themselves into society. Some serve as landing points for further invasions, others have pledged allegiance to the slowly rebuilding Hundred Kingdoms. A few have chosen a riskier but more rewarding stance: the road of the mercenary, where their hard-earned skills ensure there is always demand for them.

Cossar HetmenLight Cavalry. Though nominally vassals of the Russ, only the most deluded of Boyars would hope to control the Cossar population of the Eastern Steppes. The grinding war and growing instability in the Polmar Principalities have acted like a beacon to these peerless light cavalry warriors. They see in its shattered strongholds and burnt-out fields a chance to increase their wealth and expand their holdings at their neighbours expense while getting paid by him to do so

Weaver Crystal KnightsHeavy Brute Cavalry. Many wondered at the harrowing beauty of King Matjas’ favourite concubine, but only a few could have imagined the truth. After the death of his wife, Matjas saw little benefit in continuing the charade and revealed Verbena Talea to be an Exile of the Weaver Courts, a princess of some sort among that alien race. The cries of outrage were quickly stilled when she committed her personal retinue of over a hundred Crystal Knights to his protection and cause. These eerie warriors loom over even the tallest knight, riding otherworldly steeds no human could hope to master. Their hardened amber armour chips and cracks with each blow, sapping it of power behind it only to heals and repairs within minutes, rendering its wearer almost impervious to all but the most powerful of blows.

City GuardLight Infantry. Matjas Hunyadi famously exempted the peasantry from the onerous taxes and levies they had traditionally been subject to. In their place he levied a significant tax on each city and used it to arm, train and reward a City Guard capable of upholding the law during peacetime and defending the city during war time. Originally reviled as a blatant power grab over the traditionally independent cities, dissenters were slowly silenced when the degree of professionalism and impartiality these centrally funded guards retained. Ensuring that the City Guard was well trained, led and equipped by taxes that he levied, rather than the local city council, Matjas ultimately provided himself with an able fighting force while severely undermining the power of those same self-serving Councils. 

Black LegionnaireMedium Infantry. Relentless drill and savage discipline have allowed Matjas to pioneer mixed formations in his order of battle. Half the force is armed with crossbows (the regular variety, unlike the heavy arbalests of the Geronese) while the other half is armed with pikes. Relentless training and drill have allowed these formations to function as a single unit: the crossbowmen unleashing volley after volley into the advancing foe, only to be surrounded by a sharp hedge of pikes at a moments notice should enemy cavalry threaten the formation. While other kingdoms have witnessed his innovative tactics sought to replicate them, they lack the funding and professional mindset required to ensure the full time employment of his mercenary core that is needed to drill the troops to this level. 

Hedge KnightsMedium Cavalry. More so than any kingdom, save perhaps those of Galania and Galania-Trans-Sinia, Matjas has championed the establishment of tourneys and jousting competitions with healthy subsidised victors’ prizes all year round. Originally considered one of odd fixations and ignored for it was no doubt a curious move in a mountainous country without a chivalric tradition, the genius of this manoeuvre became evident when a few years after its establishment as countless displaced and unlanded knights from the Hundred Kingdoms descended on his lands, providing him with a deep pool of talented heavy horsemen to incorporate into his army.

Targovian Battle ThrallsMedium Infantry. When blood is a resource as valuable as silver, Dannonian Battle Thralls are the physical remains of those individuals who simply went into too much debt for their finances and body to handle. Inured to pain, utterly fearless and inhumanly strong, they would make the perfect soldier if there were any will in their empty husks. Despite the notorious consequences of excessively draining one’s body of anima and blood, the Haemomancers of Targovia have found human greed and folly to be a never ending source of recruits. 

Wise and world weary from his youthful adventures, Matjas has shown the depth of his conviction and the lengths to which he is ready to go by treating with the Haemomancers of Targovia for a force of a thousand Battle Thralls. While the rest of the world decries them as monsters and tyrants, Matjas found them to be fair, if ruthless, rulers.

Winged HussarsMedium Cavalry. Few forces have developed and truly earned the towering reputation of the Winged Hussars of the Polmar Principalities. Originally poorly led bands of uncoordinated lordlings willing to risk death for a fleeting chance at wealth and glory, the crucible of war forged these reckless youths into one of the most formidable forces in the world. Such is the power of their reputation that they have recently taken to leaning into it, covering their armor and weapons in the bones of the fallen, or styling their armour after the infamous heraldry of the Impaler. Entire enemy formations have shattered and run at the mere sight of these terrifying apparitions bearing down on them.

[Image: dogs-2-3.jpg]

Notez le melting pot impressionnant de la faction des mercenaires : des princes marchands génois mélangés avec des princes polonais, plus des Dweghoms, des pirates Wad'hruns, des Tisseurs en exil, des Nords, quelques machines et un peu de créations de mages de sang par-dessus.

RE: [Para Bellum Wargames] News - Grey77 - 25-01-2023

Le nouveau rulebook pour The Last Argument of King est dispo, ainsi que les nouvelles listes d'armées pour la v.2. On trouve ça ici:
Y a la liste des unités des Cités Etats à venir pour ceux qui sont curieux ( il y aura des chariots de guerre avec grosse arme (scorpion/phlogiston launcher).