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[Grim Fantasy] Quelqu'un connait ? - Version imprimable

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[Grim Fantasy] Quelqu'un connait ? - n314 - 09-03-2022

Je viens de ficher Grim Fantasy, vu sur wargamevault dans g-fig.
Citation :The game of Grim Fantasy is a fantasy skirmish wargame between two or more players, with games of up to four players working quite well. The game is set in a dark fairy-tale world that is inspired by European lore as transported to colonies in a New World.

Quick synopsis:

Set in the Village of Armbraid, the Pilgrims that have come from the Old Word are discovering that their new home is not as safe as they thought it would be. Creatures from the Great Woods raid their small village, wreaking havoc when they come.

Nearby are the Natives are friendly, but wary. Some say that they know the land and what it can do.

The land appears to be strange and changes both people and objects, some say that even the Scarecrows move around at night...

Cette règle s'accompagne de fig qui me faisaint de l'oeil pour saga 15mm ou joan of arc:

[Image: Human%20Woodsmen%203-850x850.jpg]

[Image: Red%20Hood%20-%20Neil-850x850.jpg]

[Image: Female%20%20and%20Children%20Pilgrims-850x850.jpg]

-> Quelqu'un connait cette règle ?

RE: [Grim Fantasy] Quelqu'un connait ? - FAM - 09-03-2022

je connais pas, mais j'aime bien les figurines

RE: [Grim Fantasy] Quelqu'un connait ? - n314 - 22-03-2022

Bon, j'en ai commandé pour tester.
A la louche, 30€ de fig (attention dollar australien c'est différent de nos habitudes de conversion!), 20€ d'envoi, 11€ de dédouanement... Noob des envois internationaux, j'aurais du en prendre plus quitte à grossir ma pile de la honte, ca fait cher le pitou là !