[Warploque Miniatures] ArcWorlde: Second Edition

159 réponses, 53164 vues

Les deux bandes sont vraiment chouettes, chacune dans leur genre.
C'est lancé, financé en un clin d’œil et il y a un pledge "Donnez moi tout !"
Je suis fichu.


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Les SG
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^^ Mon Ten faudrait vraiment que tu me files les coordonnées de ton banquier :-D
(27-10-2023, 14:30)jojogeo a écrit : ^^ Mon Ten faudrait vraiment que tu me files les coordonnées de ton banquier :-D

Il se frotte les mains en me proposant un prêt à taux variable défiant toute concurrence xD

Le Halfling serviteur de vampire à l'insu de son plein gré est atteint.
[Image: 4551eecbb79dbae59c266a1b6a2b6775_origina...f30c338717]

Direction, le Halfling au régime.
[Image: 0e86946944eb2e2f6825be16ffe0dcdd_origina...937652f539]
Le Skelt Halfling est atteint.
[Image: 8f0bf925e8bcf9b2e1c07052817fa736_origina...f884b0eda8]

D'autres sculptures présentées dernièrement.
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[Image: caae132c4c8fecb07df1896d3be152ae_origina...3233e92f67]
Et voilà les tirages 3D des figurines restantes, bientôt prêtes à partir pour les moulages résine et métal.

[Image: 8f98afb604131537fffd27d29141d817_origina...e3c64f78ec]
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Une news toute fraiche - et triste à souhait - qui ne concerne d'ailleurs probablement pas que ArcWorlde...

Citation :
Hey folks,
It is with a heavy heart that I am halting all orders to the EU on the 1st of December, including to Norway and Northern Ireland.
For those of you who aren’t aware (because we sure weren’t until a few days ago), the EU are bringing in new regulations to curb the import of products from outside of the EU. Any individual or business wishing to sell to European customers not only need an official EU-based office or representative, they also need to abide by many new and extensive safety and packaging regulations.
From multi-million dollar corporations to craftspeople in their sheds, these new requirements are across the board. Non-compliance risks huge and life-changing fines, to the point where many in my position are having to stop selling to the EU all together. For myself and other artists in the UK, having a legal presence in the EU is very difficult (and/or expensive), and the additional legal paperwork required is labyrinthine and uncertain.
This development has blindsided myself and my fellow miniature makers, as well as many others who create and sell art for a living. Information is currently hazy, and support for small businesses is pretty much non-existent. In the scrabble for clarification, the internet is awash with misinformation and panic has set in amongst small-business owners.
The EU is one of my biggest markets, and many ArcWorlde fans who have supported my work for over a decade are based there. This is a HUGE blow for Warp Miniatures. In the coming months as things become clearer, I hope a solution presents itself so we can continue sending you all of your miniatures.
This is particularly difficult as these regulations come into effect during the Christmas shopping period. I have launched a Black Friday Sale, which will be active until the 1st of December, so you EU folks can grab your final models. More information about this will be made available on another post.
In the meantime, I will continue to do as much research as I can, and hopefully we can ship to our friends in Europe again soon.
All the best,
TLDR: Due to new regulations in the EU, we have to stop selling physical miniatures to EU countries (and Norway and Northern Ireland) from the 1st December. We are hoping this is temporary as we figure out a work around and will keep you updated. We hope to fix this as soon as possible. Get your orders in as soon as possible. We have launched a Black Friday sale hopefully to help with this!

En gros, ils vont cesser de vendre sur le marché de l'UE à cause de nouvelles régulations qui rende la chose impossible à gérer pour de toute petite boite comme la sienne...
(Modification du message : 18-11-2024, 22:14 par Le Lapin.)
D'autres boites ont également déjà fait des annonces (Bad Squiddo, Statuesque Miniatures...) mais il faut s'attendre à ce que quasiment tous les petits fabricants britanniques arrêtent de vendre en UE.
Certains motivés, où qui ont simplement leur plus grosse clientèle en UE et qui ne peuvent pas faire autrement pour survivre, chercheront une solution qui ne leur coûte pas trop cher.
(Modification du message : 18-11-2024, 22:55 par TenNoBushi.)

[Image: unnamed%20(9).jpg]
Citation :I'm delighted to announce that we are shipping to the EU (plus Norway and Northern Ireland) once more! Over the past few weeks I have been working with Caroline of @eenkleinewereld, one of our stockists based in the Netherlands. She has very graciously agreed to be our legal EU representative, and together we have made progress figuring out the packaging and safety labelling requirements for shipping to the EU from the 13th of December. Hooray!

Alex a trouvé une représentante en UE. Il travaille avec elle sur le packaging et les mentions à utiliser pour reprendre la vente vers le continent.