Les jayths sont terminés :
![[Image: 181698088_103108705277049_73350623931774...e=60B53564]](https://scontent-cdt1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/181698088_103108705277049_7335062393177481272_n.jpg?_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=b9115d&_nc_ohc=wToVzEcio_8AX_3y-cc&_nc_ht=scontent-cdt1-1.xx&oh=887d5981a6645fa46ef6164a6724c4d9&oe=60B53564)
Infinity Defiance :
Quiang Gao
Uma Sorensen
Cadin Firststrike
Jazmin "Jazz" et son remote
Rahman Rouhani et son nasmat
Trisha et son yudbot
Agnes Ferreira, pilote du Defiance
the Charontids
Aida Swanson
Victor Messer
speculo killer masculin
speculo killer féminin
2 caliban
2 jayth
6 taigha creatures
3 seed soldiers
3 cadmus
6 nox
3 tourelles
4 corps
4 brèches
5 petites portes
5 grandes portes
4 consoles
4 caisses
![[Image: 181698088_103108705277049_73350623931774...e=60B53564]](https://scontent-cdt1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/181698088_103108705277049_7335062393177481272_n.jpg?_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=b9115d&_nc_ohc=wToVzEcio_8AX_3y-cc&_nc_ht=scontent-cdt1-1.xx&oh=887d5981a6645fa46ef6164a6724c4d9&oe=60B53564)
Infinity Defiance :
Quiang Gao
Uma Sorensen
Cadin Firststrike
Jazmin "Jazz" et son remote
Rahman Rouhani et son nasmat
Trisha et son yudbot
Agnes Ferreira, pilote du Defiance
the Charontids
Aida Swanson
Victor Messer
speculo killer masculin
speculo killer féminin
2 caliban
2 jayth
6 taigha creatures
3 seed soldiers
3 cadmus
6 nox
3 tourelles
4 corps
4 brèches
5 petites portes
5 grandes portes
4 consoles
4 caisses