<b style="background-color:#191919;color:#ffffff;">Here is the "secret" formula to figure out the renown cost of any model in AoS:</b><br style="background-color:#191919;color:#ffffff;" /><br style="background-color:#191919;color:#ffffff;" />For units divide the points cost of the unit by the number of models in it. So, for Ushabti for example, I would divide their Matched Play points cost of 120 by the unit size of 3 giving me 40 points per model. I then take this number and divide it by 5, giving me a renown cost of 8 renown for a single Ushabti model.<br style="background-color:#191919;color:#ffffff;" /><br style="background-color:#191919;color:#ffffff;" />So for units it's: unit cost/unit size = cost per model. Cost per model/5 = Renown cost.<br style="background-color:#191919;color:#ffffff;" /><br style="background-color:#191919;color:#ffffff;" />For heroes or single model units it's just their points cost divided by 5.<br style="background-color:#191919;color:#ffffff;" /><br style="background-color:#191919;color:#ffffff;" />There you have it!<span> </span>