[Monolith Edition] Mythic Battle, Orcquest, Confrontation...

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Sobek pour l'Égypte (le Pays des Deux Rivières Smile

[Image: 421873138_10159293006827163_505103703778...e=65C2E655]

Et une personne qui s'est amusée à faire des comparaisons entre Pantheon et Ragnarök :

Citation :[align=start]Here is what I saw :[/align]
[align=start]-Phalanx talent is exclusive to Pantheon, so far.[/align]
[align=start]- Berserk only appears for Ragnarök. Same for the 'polar' type.[/align]
[align=start]- norse god/titan can use rune to boost attack, greek gods to heal one hit point.[/align]
[align=start]- Ragnarok references tends to have better attack on average, Pantheon better defense (and slightly less hp, except for troops).[/align]
[align=start]- Ragnarök has low recursive budget scout monsters and a low budget hero with scout talent + recursivity. There is othing of this sort in Pantheon.[/align]
[align=start]- Ragnarök seems to have a better distribution of the amount of art of war provided by heroes and gods (most norse heroes bring two, sometime only one, rarely none. For gods it is one almost granted, rarely two). While in Pantheon, you do some heroes and gods bringing 3 AoW, this does not exist in Ragnarök. There are more monsters providing AoW in norse mythology than in hellenic one, too.[/align]
[align=start]- troops have more hp/models in Pantheon. There is also more troops with native defender and block. But Ragnarök tends to have more attack and unique effects plus they are often not crippled when at slow effective. Note that Jarl/Polemarch can deeply change that.[/align]
[align=start]- Ragnarok has quite a bit of ' sting effect' (auto damage) while Pantheon gravits toward 'free attacks'.[/align]
[align=start]-Pantheon has the exclusivity of the dreaded but costly petrification power.[/align]
[align=start]- Comparatively, Ragnarök has many models that can affect terrain (change terrain type). This effect is overall pretty rare in Pantheon.[/align]

Avec une imprécision : l'effet d'une pierre divine dépend en réalité du type de pierre (omphalos, rune ou kheper), pas de l'origine du dieu/titan qui l'utilise. Si un dieu nordique absorbe un omphalos et qu'il choisit de ne pas s'en servir comme une carte art de la guerre, il pourra le défausser pour regagner un point de vie Wink .
(Modification du message : 03-02-2024, 13:13 par Jalikoud.)

Messages dans ce sujet
RE: [Monolith Edition] Mythic Battle : Ragnarök - par Jalikoud - 03-02-2024, 13:12

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