[Project Z]Jeu de figurines Zombies de chez warlord, aperçu

44 réponses, 19940 vues

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Hi guys. I'm the author of Project Z. I also designed the product as my very first time and with limited resources. The learning process took me to Test o Honour (product design), Doctor Who (product and game design withWayne Peter Bollands and Roger Gerrish as co-designers and editors)and now the upcoming Blood Red Skies by Andy Chambers)

I have a great love for PZ as a game system, so I'm seriously thinking abut a re-bump both game system and product design.

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What do you guys think? What would you lik to see changed, refreshed, revised, removed?

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Thanks for your support.





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Hi all. I've started working on the second edition of the rules. Some interesting changes and very needed revision and clarifications (PLUS campaign and the story behind what happened!)

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At the moment, I'd like to hear your comments on the weapons (new ideas, ranges and damage to revise?)

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Sur la page Fesse-Bouc du jeu, l'auteur indique qu'il a commencé à travailler sur une V2 des règles et demande aux joueurs ce qu'ils pensent qu'il faut amender, ajouter, retirer, améliorer,...

C'est ici :



Messages dans ce sujet
[Project Z]Jeu de figurines Zombies de chez warlord, aperçu - par Dregen - 25-11-2017, 13:15

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