Age of Tyrants (Urban Wars en 6mm)

706 réponses, 144810 vues

Thanks for all the help Morglar [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/default_thumbsup.gif[/img]

Hello John ^^

Nice to see you again in Warmania ^^

Citation :We have also developed some new relationships over the past few weeks, Rob Alderman, formerly of Prodos and more recently owner of Hysterical Games who has successfully launched his own Panzerfaust KS. Rob has joined the team as our Community manager.

Rather fortuitously Rob also runs his own resin casting business and since we have strong ties with Scotia Grendel in the UK we do now have a very credible alternative to Prodos in terms of production for both resin and metal.

However, the fact remains is that if we have a very successful KS, Prodos is much better positioned to fulfill this than our other partners as they have far greater capacity so they will remain our principle supplier of vehicles for the project with Rob and Scotia as our fail safe if there are any issues. If Prodos fail to adhere to our agreed time table then production will simply switch, there may even be a situation where we use a combination of all three.

What this does mean though is that we have a much tighter ship now and we are flexible in what partners we choose to work with based on their performance. This gives our potential backers far more security now that we had a few weeks back.
Citation :And now for something completely different..... I am delighted to let you know that we are in discussion with Twisted Toyz via Paolo Parente [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/default_thumbsup.gif[/img] to produce a large infantry platoons for each faction in injection moulded plastic, further there will be a multi-pose urban ruin set as well to populate you Age of Tyrants battlefields.

This will give us a series of very affordable starter sets for each faction, these will feature the basic troopers for each army. We will also do all the figures in metal too for those who like their lead , the specialist troops such as powered armoured jump trooper and gun teams will only be available in this medium.
O_O Mais ? Mais ? C'est la journée des bonnes nouvelles ou quoi ?

- Des options de secours crédibles si prodos n'est pas sage (2-3 autres mouleurs prenant le relais dans le pire des cas)

- Paolo Parente qui viendrait aussi mettre son grain de sel plastique

- Des décors en plastok, du bitz pour personnaliser et faire du tuning sur les armées

- Des starters sets qui seraient de vrais starters sets clé en main...

OMFG !!!

John ? Tu pourrais pas demander à Paolo qu'il me moule un Temple en plastique par hasard ? XD

Y a quand même de quoi convertir les plus réticents là non ? ^^



You're welcome John. I'll try to translate your last comments now. Congratulations for twisted toys, be prepared to receive similar question about parente as for Prodos, because of the Dust situation and so on [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/default_biggrin.png[/img]

De rien John. Je vais essayer de traduire tes réponses à présent. Bravo pour Twisted Toyz (voir plus bas), mais prépare toi à avoir les mêmes questions sur Parente que pour Prodos, avec toute l'histoire sur Dust [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/default_biggrin.png[/img]

Réponse 1:

Citation :First off happy New year to you all [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/default_biggrin.png[/img]

Prodos that little chestnut again [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/default_crying.gif[/img]

I have been working very closely with Prodos over the last few weeks in the run up to our KS launch and there is nothing to suggest here that there will be any issues. I do have assurances that all will be well, and in fact we have managed to bring down the prospective retail prices as part of our discussions and new production techniques that have recently been developed to optimize the production for Age of Tyrants. Further as some of you will know Prodos have invested in centrifugal casting equipment that will be used to produce our miniatures and metal add-ons components (the small fiddly radars and satellite dishes) so all the bases here are covered.

We have also developed some new relationships over the past few weeks, Rob Alderman, formerly of Prodos and more recently owner of Hysterical Games who has successfully launched his own Panzerfaust KS. Rob has joined the team as our Community manager.

Rather fortuitously Rob also runs his own resin casting business and since we have strong ties with Scotia Grendel in the UK we do now have a very credible alternative to Prodos in terms of production for both resin and metal.

However, the fact remains is that if we have a very successful KS, Prodos is much better positioned to fulfill this than our other partners as they have far greater capacity so they will remain our principle supplier of vehicles for the project with Rob and Scotia as our fail safe if there are any issues. If Prodos fail to adhere to our agreed time table then production will simply switch, there may even be a situation where we use a combination of all three.

What this does mean though is that we have a much tighter ship now and we are flexible in what partners we choose to work with based on their performance. This gives our potential backers far more security now that we had a few weeks back.
Avant tout bonne année à tous [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/default_biggrin.png[/img]

Prodos encore cette histoire [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/default_crying.gif[/img]

J'ai travaillé en étroite collaboration avec Prodos ces dernières semaines pour le lancement de notre KS et rien ne laisse penser qu'il y aura des problèmes. Je suis convaincu que tout ira bien, et nous avons même réussi à trouver le moyen de baisser les prix de ventes et allons employer de nouvelles techniques de production développées pour optimiser celle d'Age of Tyrants. De plus comme certains d'entre vous le savent, Prodos a investi dans de l'équipement de moulage par centrifugeuse qui sera utilisé pour produire nos figurines et add-on en métal (les petits radars et accessoires), donc tout est prêt pour démarrer.

Nous avons également approfondi nos relations ces dernières semaines, Rob Alderman, anciennement membre de Prodos et désormais propriétaire d'Hysterical Games qui a réussi le lancement de son propre KS Panzerfaust, est désormais notre Community Manager.

Rob gère sa propre société de production de résine et dans la mesure où nous avons des liens forts avec Scotia Grendel en Angleterre, nous avons à notre disposition une alternative très crédible à Prodos pourl a résine comme le métal.

Cependant, le fait est que si notre KS remporte un fort succès, Prodos est bien mieux placé pour gérer cette production que nos autres partenaires et dispose de capacités bien plus grandes, ils resteront donc notre fournisseur principal de véhicules pour le projet avec Rob et Scotia en solution de dépannage en cas de problème. Si Prodos n'est pas capable de tenir les délais sur lesquels nous nous mettons d'accord, la production changera de main. Il se pourrait même que nous fassions appel aux trois. Cela signifie que notre gestion est bien plus précise aujourd'hui et nous sommes bien plus souple sur le choix de nos partenaires, en nous basant sur leurs performances. Cela rend la participation à notre KS bien moins risquée pour nos backers qu'il y a quelques semaines.

Réponse 2:

Citation :I am also very active on social media, and I would happily invite anyone to friend me on Facebook, you can always get me there. The KS will be in my name too, so I have nowhere to hide, so if you aren't happy with something in the project, you can hound me mercilessly there too [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/default_w00t.gif[/img]

I also have plans for further projects, I have one in the pipe with Jake Thornton, so frankly I can't afford to mess this up so hopefully you can take some comfort in that fact, this has to work for me, it's my future, and my livelihood so I'll be damn sure that the partners we work with WILL deliver.
De plus je suis très actif sur les réseaux sociaux, et j'inviterais volontiers n'importe qui en ami Facebook, où vous pourrez toujours me joindre. Le KS sera également en mon nom, je n'ai donc nul part où me cacher, donc si vous n'êtes pas satisfait de quelque chose dans le projet, vous pourrez m'y traquer sans relâche [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/default_w00t.gif[/img]

J'ai également des plans pour de futurs projets, notamment un avec Jake Thornton, donc sincèrement je ne peux pas me permettre de rater celui-là, j'espère donc que vous serez rassuré par le fait que j'ai besoin que ça marche, c'est mon avenir et ma vie qui sont en jeu, donc soyez certains que je m'assurerais que nos partenaires feront leur boulot.

Réponse 3:

Citation :And now for something completely different..... I am delighted to let you know that we are in discussion with Twisted Toyz via Paolo Parente [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/default_thumbsup.gif[/img] to produce a large infantry platoons for each faction in injection moulded plastic, further there will be a multi-pose urban ruin set as well to populate you Age of Tyrants battlefields.

This will give us a series of very affordable starter sets for each faction, these will feature the basic troopers for each army. We will also do all the figures in metal too for those who like their lead , the specialist troops such as powered armoured jump trooper and gun teams will only be available in this medium.

So exciting times ahead.

all the best
Et maintenant quelque chose qui n'a rien à voir... J'ai la joie de vous annoncer que nous sommes à présent en pourparler avec Twisted Toyz via Paolo Parente [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/default_thumbsup.gif[/img] pour produire un grand bataillon d'infanterie pour chaque faction en plastique par injection, ainsi que des ruines modulables pour remplir vos champs de bataille Age of Tyrants.

Cela nous permettra de proposer une gamme de starter très abordables pour chaque faction, qui contiendront les troupes de base de chaque armée. Nous ferons également toutes les figurines en métal pour ceux qui aiment ça, les troupes spécialisées tels que les soldats en armure énergétique à propulseurs et les équipes d'armes lourdes seront disponibles dans ce medium.

Période excitante donc.

Bien à vous

Merci Morglar, tu fais un sacré boulot de traduction !!



Hey guys [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/default_wink.png[/img]

Many thanks for that, I await the deluge of responses/abuse [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/default_w00t.gif[/img]

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase tell me their are no issues with twisted toys [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/default_crying.gif[/img]

Maybe I should get a list from you folks as to who is good to work with and then I'll make some calls [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/default_blink.png[/img]


Citation :Maybe I should get a list from you folks as to who is good to work with and then I'll make some calls [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/default_blink.png[/img]
RN Estudio, Forge Studio, Perry Bros... ^^



Forge Studio who are they?

Perry's well that's not going to happen, and RN Estudio are fabulous but costs are very high [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/default_crying.gif[/img]

Forge Studio are lead (with others) by Whispe : one moderator of Warmania and a friend of mine ^^

They're behind Fury Outburst Control, a skirmish game ^^



Got them, stuff looks good but its doesn't look like they are a manufacturer of either resin, metal or injection moulded plastics, but I could be wrong? Clearly we need partners that can manufacture our stuff and can handle serious volume if our KS is very successful.

all the best

If you don't already know there's an interview with me in Blogurizine Issue 22 on page 84, worth a laugh [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/default_blink.png[/img]